Wizardia Metaverse P2E

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Wizardia Metaverse P2E is a Play-to-Earn online strategy role-playing game with unique NFTs at its core. Players earn rewards from Wizardia through monetary investments. They will also be rewarded for the time and effort invested in the game.

The game is a turn-based battle with RPG elements (character progression, artifact upgrading and crafting). Players obtain and upgrade mages and use them to fight – PVE and PVP – in the Arena.

You will have to lead your heroic wizards, represented by NFTs, in the fight for survival and the discovery of magic in the metaverse.

Thanks to these codes you can get a discount of an NFT you are interested in.

Arena Genesis NFT – unique 5% discount
Wizard NFT – unique 5% discount 
Market Genesis NFT – unique 5% discount 
Mystery box NFT – unique 5% discount

wizardia_newnftgame_pvp-1024x397 Wizardia Metaverse P2E

Wizardia Metaverse P2E Genesis

You can level up your NFT wizards and enhance their combat skills with effective play. Then sell, trade or rent them in the Wizardia NFT marketplace.
Wizardia provides 7 rounds of sales for early investors. But the best time is now.

  • The first ones earn more, the sooner you buy Arena NFTs, the more passive income you will generate over time.
  • Early pay less, early investors will receive Arena Genesis NFTs at a reduced price. Later stages of the sale will have a higher price.
  • Profit for your portfolio. Be prepared to earn passive income from all battles and transactions in the Arena.

More players. More income for you.
ROI of 100% per month when the number of players in the game reaches 30,000.

Wizardia RoadMap 2022

What are the advantages of Arena Genesis NFT?
Two main advantages:

Stake rewards before game launch.
Passive income after the launch of Arena.

When will the game be released?
The game will be released in several phases. The closed alpha version of Battle Arena will be released to early investors in 2022 Q2. The second phase of the game, animal battle tournaments, and market launch will be released in the third quarter of 2022. The full game launch and VR/AR integration will take place in the fourth quarter of 2022.

Through these codes you can get a discount of an NFT you are interested in.

Arena Genesis NFT – unique 5% discount
Wizard NFT – unique 5% discount
Market Genesis NFT – unique 5% discount
Mystery box NFT – unique 5% discount

wizardia_newnftgame_roadmap-1024x287 Wizardia Metaverse P2E

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