Scroll Airdrop Possible Join Alpha Testnet

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Scroll Airdrop

1*CuM6Q96wpsJKS7Nb7rT2KQ Scroll Airdrop Possible Join Alpha Testnet

Scroll Airdrop Tutorial: Eligibility for Scroll ZKP Airdrop

1*-J5ji8JU5rWEwBvg9A2FXQ Scroll Airdrop Possible Join Alpha Testnet
1*-J5ji8JU5rWEwBvg9A2FXQ Scroll Airdrop Possible Join Alpha Testnet


1*QwNoCdCrzcymTp7sG8BFFw Scroll Airdrop Possible Join Alpha Testnet

Deposit from Goerli to Scroll

  • First, switch to the Goerli network in your wallet.
  • In the bridge app, ensure that Goerli is on top and Scroll Alpha is on the bottom. You can click the “↓” button to switch the positions.
  • Select the token that you want to transfer from Goerli to Scroll Alpha.
  • If this is your first time transferring an ERC20 token, you need to Approve the Goerli Bridge contract to access your ERC20 token.
  • Next, click the Send button to make the deposit. Your wallet will pop up a window asking for confirmation of the transfer transaction.
  • Once the transfer transaction is sent and confirmed, the token will be deducted from your Goerli wallet.
1*hvVk6UVfQmszAopoEpjNtg Scroll Airdrop Possible Join Alpha Testnet

Withdraw from Scroll to Goerli

  • switch to the Scroll L2 network in your wallet.
  • the bridge app, make sure that Scroll L2 is on top, and Goerli is on the bottom. You can click the button to switch the positions.
  • token (ETH) that you want to transfer from Scroll L2 to Goerli.
  • this is your first time transferring an ERC20 token, you need to Approve the L2 Bridge contract to access your ERC20 token.
  • click the Send button to make the withdrawal. Your wallet will pop up a window asking for confirmation of the transfer transaction.
  • the transfer transaction is sent and confirmed, the token will be deducted from your Scroll L2 wallet.

Transfer Tokens

  • Open your wallet and switch to Scroll Alpha Testnet.
  • Click the Send button in the middle and type the address you want to transfer to in the text box.
  • Select the token in the Asset box and type the amount of token that you want to transfer.
  • Click the Next button and then click the Confirm button to send out the transaction.
  • After sending, you can find the transaction in the Activity tab in your wallet.

“The information provided is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, or a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument. All investment decisions should be based on your own evaluation of your investment needs, investment objectives, and financial situation. The value of investments may increase or decrease, and investors may not recover the full amount invested. Investments in financial instruments always involve a certain degree of risk, and investors are responsible for understanding the risks associated with the investments they make. Before making any investment, it is recommended to seek the help of a qualified and authorized financial industry professional.”

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