Axie Infinity Origin

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Axie Infinity Origin Alpha

The central goal of this Axie Infinity Origin version
in early access is to gather player feedback and game data in order to tweak and improve it before the full launch.
For this reason, there may be significant changes between now and the global release.
It is critical to note that all progress made and resources gathered in Alpha will be restored at the end of this Alpha period.
Now is a time to focus on having fun while learning the new battle system and mechanics of Origin

Axie Infinity Origin new features

Let us now look at an overview of the new features introduced with this early access release:

  • Improved Axie graphics.
  • Free initial axies: three non-NFT initial axies will be provided to each player.
  • Sequential turns for a faster and more dynamic experience.
  • Energies and cards are reset each turn to encourage different styles of play.
  • Card changes. We have kept most of the cards in line with their original spirit.
  • Cards for eyes and ears.
  • Runes and spells as enhancements.
  • Critical hits have been replaced by a rage mechanic.

The main game can now be tried for free! Finally new players can learn the game and fall in love with the axie universe before they have to touch cryptocurrencies and NFTs!

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Axie Infinity Origin balancing

As they gather data and feedback from the community they will implement rapid changes to the balance of cards, runes and amulets.
Also, remember that all runes and spells from the early access period will be restored.

The battle in Axie Infinity Origin will continually change over the seasons through a variety of components including the ‘introduction, nerfs and updates to:

  • Amulets and runes
  • Body parts
  • Game mechanics
  • Class Attributes

As with any competitive game, there must be constant updates to keep the experience fresh, exciting, and fun for players.

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The future of the game Axie

The idea of the game to make money has shifted from being something for hobbyists and early adopters and is now shifting to more traditional players, rather than being limited to cryptocurrency traders, Zirlin said. Once that quality is achieved, developers like Zirlin believe mainstream audiences will follow.

“This release is truly tailored for a large general audience who love creature gathering and battle games,” said Zirlin.

Guilds are going through a transition where they are realizing that they can’t just focus on the relationship between the scholar, who gets the money to start playing, and the manager, who collects a percentage from the scholar’s winnings. Guilds need to make sure they add other forms of value to the ecosystem, by creating content or educating people or engaging in esports, Zirlin said.

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